Big Baby Love Blog

December 30, 2008

Angelina Jolie loses baby weight with Wii fit?? Do me a favour.

Obviously I’m bound to be a tad jealous of her post-pregnancy figure but this has to be the biggest lie on the face of the earth!!!! We all know how hard it is to lose weight after just one baby, but twins??? I think not. To be quite honest I am really disgusted that this has been implied at all. I mean she makes millions and all she does is play on the Wii to lose weight (cue hysterical laughter). What no personal Trainer, no home gym, no extreme dieting? I wonder if Wii’s sales figures have improved due to this story being published? I wouldn’t be suprised if the Jolie-Pitts are taking a slice of the profits (cynical and bitter that I am). Even if she had lost the weight that easily, it is extremely rare for a women’s tummy to return to the way it was after having twins. You would at least expect to see a saggy flap like the rest of us have. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t criticise any women for using whatever method they deemed fit to lose the baby bulge. It is completely down to personal choice in my opinion. After the trauma of giving birth, its quite a kick in the teeth to find a different body starring you back in the mirror. My issue  is that this is a obviously a fib and no-one has come forward to correct it. Women out there that will see Angelina’s perfectly toned, slim body and rush out to buy the Wii Fit. There have even been some stories claiming Jolie had a tummy tuck (or “mummy tuck ” as she reportedly likes it to be called).

Would do you all think? I would LOVE to know. Maybe I am just a bitter, jealous old jelly belly.


  1. The Wii Fit really does work wonders. It requires dedication and hard work, but if you are willing to commit then it really works. I’ve already lost four pounds from mine!

    Comment by takingstairs — December 31, 2008 @ 2:25 am | Reply

    • Thats pretty good! How long have you been using it for out of interest? I think I was having a mood swing when I wrote this post. I’m trying to lose a stone before I start ttc and felt a little jealous of Angelina’s body! You must admit though… after having twins you would think she had a few pregnancy “scars” on her body surely? Most women have a saggy bit on their tums that just won’t shift no matter how hard they exercise. Do you think its possible to get the weight off that quickly usingthe Wii Fit alone? I would love to know how long it took you to lose 4lb’s – I am going to start running on my treadmill for 40 minutes everyday. Which do think would be better for getting the weight off?

      Comment by Jennifer — December 31, 2008 @ 8:17 am | Reply

  2. I agree, she was probably Wii Fit’ing for like four hours a day to lose that much weight that fast. I lost the four pounds in the first three days, but it was also probably a lot of water weight that will come off quickly at the beginning. I’m guessing that a treadmill would be a faster avenue for weight loss becuase it’s 40 minutes of aerobics a day and my whole workout is only about 15 – 20 minutes of aerobics a day (the rest is yoga/strength training). I would be in interested to see how Wii Fit measures up to the treadmill!

    Comment by takingTHEstairs — December 31, 2008 @ 2:52 pm | Reply

    • Well I do interval running for 40 minutes and out of the 40 minutes I actually only run for urrrm….10 minutes in total. I’m so un-fit! So shall we do it for a week starting tomorrow then we can compare at the end? It probably won’t be a very accurate comparrison but at least it will give us some motivation hey! Hope you are up for it!

      Comment by Jennifer — December 31, 2008 @ 5:55 pm | Reply

  3. Sounds good!

    Comment by takingTHEstairs — January 3, 2009 @ 1:33 am | Reply

    • Okay,great! Lets start from today then…Saturday -Saturday.

      How exiting!


      Comment by Jennifer — January 3, 2009 @ 7:44 am | Reply

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